1. Project Status

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Irakli Nadareishvili


Early, incomplete alpha


Doesn’t handle documents with circular references.

Github source of the client code


Github source of this documentation


Documentation Last Updated


2. General

Node.js client is an implementation of an SDK-level client for the UBER hypermedia message format

3. Design Goals

Minimal, robust, extensible

var client = require('uberclient')
  , token  = '1234567890'; // You'd normally get this from a separate OAuth2 workflow

client.authProvider(client.authProviderTokenBased({'token' : token}));

client.request('http://api.froyo.io', function (error, msg) {
  if (!error) {
    var names = msg.query({"rel" : "urn:froyo_io:query:names"}).submit({"m" : "male"});
}, "read", "xml");
 var url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inadarei/uber.client.js/master/test/fixtures/uber-sample.json';
    client.request(url, function(error, uberMsg) {
      if (!err) {
        var appendPerson = uberMsg.query({"id" : "people"})
                          .query({"rel" : "http://example.org/rels/create"})
                          .submit({"g" : "irakli",
                                   "f" : "nadareishvili",
                                   "e" : "irakli@example.com"});
                                   // Warning: .submit() implementation is in progress.

4. API Documentation

4.1. Module: uberclient

4.1.1. Methods

request(url, callback [,action])

make a request


a properly-formatted URL string

callback(error, message)

callback function which accepts error and message parameters


Is one of the actions defined by UBER spec. Defaults to read which would correspond to GET for HTTP.


sets the authorization provider that will be used henceforth. Provider function accepts options javascript object used for configuring specific type of a provider. UberClient pre-defines two types of providers (HTTP OAuth2-compatible, bearer token-based and HTTP URL query-param based). Any provider function can be passed to extend this functionality. THe implementing function must expose preprocessRequest(request) function that will be called before a request is fired.

authProviderTokenBased({"token" : "…", "header-field" : "…"})

OAuth-2 compatible. header-field defaults to Bearer resulting in an HTTP request header field of the form: Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

authProviderApikeyBased({"apikey" : "…", "query-field" : "…"})

API Key compatible. query-field defaults to key resulting in an HTTP request query field of the form: ?key=xxxx or &key=xxxx

4.2. Module: message

4.2.1. Methods

new(message, callback)

Mints a new message using a properly-formatted UBER message serialized in XML or JSON. Callback accepts:

  • err to indicate cases when aan error may occur

  • uberMessage the fully-minted Message object

4.3. Class: Message

4.3.1. Properties


returns the version of the UBER format used in this message. Read-only.


returns the raw representation of the message the object was initialized with. Read-only.

query(selector [, context])

@See: the identical method for the Data class.


returns an array of Data elements


returns an array of Data elements

4.4. Class: DataArray

4.4.1. Methods

query(selector [, context])

@See: the identical method for the Data class.

4.5. Class: Data

4.5.1. Properties

4.5.2. Methods

query(selector [, context])

returns a new Data element containing child Data elements found in the context Data object, filtered based on passed argument(s). Inpsired by jQuery()


is a JSON object, value of which is a string or a regular expression. Please note: numbers are compared as strings and variable type is ignored. The key is one of the following options:

  • id matches by ID

  • name matches by name

  • rel matches by any of the rels.

  • value matches by value property

    A special case of {"*" : "*"} stands for: "match any elements" (Not yet implemented)
    var locationdata = data.query({"rel" : "loc+*"}).query({"name" : "eiffel"});

can have one of two values:

  • children (default)

  • first-child

  • last-child

  • depth-n where n is a number 1-10 (infinite depth is prohibited)


follow a URL in the data element if the field is defined. Callback accepts error and message params.


construct a templated request if URL and Model are defined and submit data. Callback accepts error and message params.

4.6. Class: LinkRelation [TBD]

4.6.1. Properties

  1. name

4.6.2. Methods

  1. isURL() - is link relation name a proper URL?

  2. resolve() - resolve the link relation, if it is a proper URL